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52,60 NT$
7 mar, 10:39:03 GMT+8 · TWD · TPE · Disclaimer
Titolo azionarioTitolo quotato in TWCon sede in TW
Chiusura precedente
53,00 NT$
Intervallo giornaliero
52,40 NT$ - 53,00 NT$
Intervallo annuale
43,75 NT$ - 68,50 NT$
Cap di mercato
4,13 Mld TWD
Volume medio
Rapporto P/E
Borsa valori principale
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(TWD)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
2,26 Mld34,84%
Spese di gestione
72,49 Mln14,51%
Utile netto
98,34 Mln41,29%
Margine di profitto netto
Utili per azione
89,78 Mln71,03%
Aliquota fiscale effettiva
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(TWD)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
Investimenti cash/breve termine
1,80 Mld143,67%
Totale attivo
3,86 Mld22,37%
Totale passivo
2,32 Mld30,03%
Patrimonio netto totale
1,53 Mld
Azioni in circolazione
78,45 Mln
Prezzo/valore contabile
Redditività dell'attivo
Rendimento sul capitale
Flusso di cassa netto
(TWD)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
Utile netto
98,34 Mln41,29%
Liquidità di esercizio
277,51 Mln211,47%
Contanti da investimenti
22,33 Mln112,42%
Contanti da finanziamenti
-170,94 Mln-150,96%
Flusso di cassa netto
139,44 Mln-43,63%
Flusso di cassa libero
116,93 Mln151,21%
AOPEN is a major Taiwanese electronics manufacturer that makes computers and its parts. AOPEN used to be the Open System Business Unit of Acer Computer Inc. which designed, manufactured and sold computer components. It was incorporated in December 1996 as a subsidiary of Acer Group with an initial public offering at the Taiwan stock exchange in August 2002. It is also the first subsidiary that established the entrepreneurship paradigm in the pan-Acer Group. At that time, AOPENs major shareholder was the Wistron Group. In 2018 AOPEN became a partner of the pan-Acer Group again as the business-to-business branch of the computing industry. They are perhaps most well known for their "Mobile on Desktop", which implements Intel's Pentium M platform on desktop motherboards. Because the Pentium 4 and other NetBurst CPUs proved less energy efficient than the Pentium M, in late 2004 and early 2005, many manufacturers introduced desktop motherboards for the mobile Pentium M, AOPEN being one of the first. Wikipedia
21 dic 1996
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