Bosh sahifaDNAG • OTCMKTS
DNAPrint Genomics Inc
0,00 $
10-mar, 0:18:45 (GMT-4) · USD · OTCMKTS · Ogohlantirish
AksiyalarAQSH qimmatli qogʻoziBosh shtabi: AQSH
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0,00 $
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640,00 USD
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33,99 ming
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DNAPrint Genomics was a genetics company with a wide range of products related to genetic profiling. They were the first company to introduce forensic and consumer genomics products, which were developed immediately upon the publication of the first complete draft of the human genome in the early 2000s. They researched, developed, and marketed the first ever consumer genomics product, based on "Ancestry Informative Markers" which they used to correctly identify the BioGeographical Ancestry of a human based on a sample of their DNA. They also researched, developed and marketed the first ever forensic genomics product - DNAWITNESS - which was used to create a physical profile of donors of crime scene DNA. The company reached a peak of roughly $3M/year revenues but ceased operations in February 2009. Wikipedia
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