TuisDOGE / USD • Kriptogeldeenheid
Dogecoin (DOGE / USD)
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Meer oor Dogecoin
Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency created by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system as a joke, making fun of the wild speculation in cryptocurrencies at the time. It is considered both the first "meme coin", and more specifically the first "dog coin". Despite its satirical nature, some consider it a legitimate investment prospect. Dogecoin features the face of Kabosu from the "doge" meme as its logo and namesake. It was introduced on December 6, 2013, and quickly developed its own online community, reaching a peak market capitalization of over US$85 billion on May 5, 2021. As of 2021, it is the sleeve sponsor of Watford Football Club. promotes the currency as the "fun and friendly Internet currency", referring to its origins as a "joke". Software engineers Markus and Palmer launched the satirical cryptocurrency as a way to make fun of Bitcoin and the many other cryptocurrencies boasting grand plans to take over the world. Dogecoin quickly gained traction, particularly on social platforms like Reddit. WikipediaMeer oor VSA-dollar
Die Amerikaanse dollar of VSA-dollar is die amptelike geldeenheid van die Verenigde State van Amerika en sy eilandgebiede, asook van Bonaire, die Britse Maagde-eilande, Ecuador, El Salvador, Liberië, die Marshalleilande, die Gefedereerde State van Mikronesië, Oos-Timor, Palau, Panama, Saba, Sint Eustatius, die Turks- en Caicos-eilande en Zimbabwe.
Die VSA neem die dollar in 1792 in gebruik. Die geldeenheid word sedert die Tweede Wêreldoorlog as anker-valuta in die internasionale handel beskou. Vir die rede word die pryse van goud en olie internasionaal in dollars uitgedruk. Wikipedia