Domača stranNBS • LON
Nationwide Building Society PERPCAP
133,00 £
6. mar., 17:30:00 UTC · GBP · LON · Izjava
DelnicaVrednostni papir, ki kotira v GB
Prejšnji trg. dan.
133,00 £
Letni razpon
127,55 £ - 137,00 £
Tržna kapitalizacija
1,40 mrd. GBP
Povprečni obseg
2,57 tis.
Razm. P/E
Dividendna donosnost
Primarna borza
V novicah
Finančni podatki
Izkaz poslovnega izida
Čisti dohodek
(GBP)sep. 2024Sprememba L/L
1,07 mrd.−13,14 %
Stroški poslovanja
787,00 mio.6,57 %
Čisti dohodek
210,50 mio.−41,69 %
Čista dobičkovnost prihodkov
19,65−32,89 %
Earnings per share
Efektivna davčna stopnja
25,88 %
Skupna sredstva
Skupne obveznosti
(GBP)sep. 2024Sprememba L/L
Denar. in kratkor. naložbe
32,65 mrd.4,42 %
Skupna sredstva
282,35 mrd.2,87 %
Skupne obveznosti
263,65 mrd.2,54 %
Celoten lastniški kapital
18,70 mrd.
Shares outstanding
Razmerje P/B
Donosnost sredstev
0,30 %
Donosnost kapitala
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
(GBP)sep. 2024Sprememba L/L
Čisti dohodek
210,50 mio.−41,69 %
Denar iz dejavnosti
3,48 mrd.5,81 %
Denar iz naložb
459,50 mio.22,05 %
Denar iz financiranja
−1,54 mrd.26,85 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
2,33 mrd.52,54 %
Prost denarni tok
Nationwide Building Society is the largest retail bank in the United Kingdom, and the world's largest building society, serving over 16 million members. It operates as a British mutual financial institution, meaning it is owned by and run for the benefit of its members. Nationwide is also the seventh largest cooperative financial institution globally. The Society's headquarters are located in Swindon, England. Nationwide Building Society was established through the amalgamation of approximately 250 smaller building societies over its history. Among the most notable mergers were the acquisition of Anglia Building Society in 1987 and the Portman Building Society in 2007. As of 2022, Nationwide ranked as the second largest provider of household savings and mortgages in the UK, holding a 10.3% market share in current accounts. For the financial year 2021/2022, Nationwide had assets of around £272.4 billion compared to £483 billion for the entire building society sector, making it larger than the remaining 42 British building societies combined. It is a member of the Building Societies Association, the Council of Mortgage Lenders and Co-operatives UK. Wikipedia
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