DomůNIFTY_50 • Index
23 288,25
13. 1., 11:17:14 GMT+5:30 · INDEXNSE · Prohlášení
Předchozí závěrečná cena
23 431,50
Rozsah během dne
23 172,70 - 23 340,95
Rozsah během roku
21 137,20 - 26 277,35
The NIFTY 50 is an Indian stock market index that represents the float-weighted average of 50 of the largest Indian companies listed on the National Stock Exchange. Nifty 50 is owned and managed by NSE Indices, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Stock Exchange of India. The Nifty 50 index was launched on 22 April 1996 with a base date of 3 November 1995 and with 1000 as its base value. The NIFTY 50 index ecosystem consists of index funds, and futures and options at NSE and NSE International Exchange. In 2016, NIFTY 50 was reported by the WFE and FIA as the world's most actively traded index options contract, but it was later overtaken by Nifty Bank. But after NIFTY Bank weekly expiries were removed, NIFTY 50 became the world's most actively traded options contract. The NIFTY 50 index covers 13 sectors of the Indian economy and offers investment managers exposure to the Indian market in one portfolio. As of July 2024, NIFTY 50 gives a weightage of 32.76% to financial services including banking, 13.76% to information technology, 12.12% to oil and gas, 8.46% to consumer goods, and 8.22% to automotive. Wikipedia
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