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Teave: Venemaa rubla
Venemaa rubla ₽ on Venemaa rahaühik, mida kasutavad ka Abhaasia ja Lõuna-Osseetia.
Rubla oli varem ka Venemaa keisririigi, Venemaa Vabariigi, Venemaa Nõukogude Vabariigi ja Vene SFNV rahaühikuks.
1 rubla jaguneb 100 kopikaks.
ISO 4217 rahakood on RUB. Endine rahakood RUR tähistab ümberarvestusele eelnevat Vene rubla.
Seisuga 2. detsember 2014 oli Euroopa Keskpanga rubla vahetuskurss 1 EUR = 66,267 RUB. 9. veebruaril 2016 oli EKP euro kurss 88,3952 rubla.
Seisuga 14. aprill 2018 oli Venemaa rubla kurss:
1 EUR = 76,2186 RUB
1 USD = 62.0231 RUB
Seisuga 20. aprill 2021 oli Venemaa rubla kurss:
1 EUR = 91,76 RUB
1 USD = 76 RUB WikipediaTeave: Lõuna-Aafrika rand
The South African rand, or simply the rand, is the official currency of South Africa. It is subdivided into 100 cents, and a comma separates the rand and cents.
The South African rand is legal tender in the Common Monetary Area member states of Namibia, Lesotho, and Eswatini, with these three countries also having national currencies: pegged with the rand at parity and still widely accepted as substitutes. The rand was also legal tender in Botswana until 1976 when the pula replaced the rand at par. Wikipedia