DomovS1RE34 • BVMF
Sempra Energy
Predch. zatv. cena
99,80 R$
Denný rozsah
99,80 R$ - 99,80 R$
Rozsah rokov
86,16 R$ - 141,88 R$
Trhová kapitalizácia
43,89 mld. USD
Priemerný objem
V správach
Finančné údaje
Výkaz ziskov a strát
Čisté príjmy
(USD) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Výnosy | 3,76 mld. | 7,65 % |
Prevádzkové náklady | 702,00 mil. | 16,42 % |
Čisté príjmy | 676,00 mil. | -9,50 % |
Čistá zisková marža | 17,99 | -15,93 % |
Earnings per share | 1,50 | 32,74 % |
Zisk pred zdanením, úrokmi, odpismi | 1,60 mld. | 29,76 % |
Skutočná daňová sadzba | 22,19 % | — |
Celkové aktíva
Celkové záväzky
(USD) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Hotovosť a krátk. invest. | 1,58 mld. | 526,09 % |
Celkové aktíva | 96,16 mld. | 10,29 % |
Celkové záväzky | 58,37 mld. | 9,04 % |
Celkový kapitál | 37,79 mld. | — |
Shares outstanding | 651,46 mil. | — |
Pomer ceny a účt. hodnoty | 2,14 | — |
Rentabilita aktív | 2,55 % | — |
Rentabilita kapitálu | 3,33 % | — |
Peňažný tok
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov
(USD) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Čisté príjmy | 676,00 mil. | -9,50 % |
Prevádzkový peňažný tok | 1,36 mld. | 25,34 % |
Peniaze z investícií | -2,82 mld. | -17,00 % |
Peniaze z financovania | 2,36 mld. | 966,97 % |
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov | 899,00 mil. | 181,58 % |
Voľný peňažný tok | -1,59 mld. | 6,16 % |
Sempra is a North American public utility holding company based in San Diego, California. The company is one of the largest utility holding companies in the United States with nearly 40 million consumers. Sempra's focus is on electric and natural gas infrastructure and its operating companies include: Southern California Gas Company and San Diego Gas & Electric in Southern California; Oncor Electric Delivery Company in Texas; and Sempra Infrastructure, with offices in California and Texas.
As of 2023, Sempra reported more than $87.2 billion in total assets and over 20,000 employees. The company is led by chairman and chief executive officer Jeffrey Martin, who assumed that role in May 2018.
Sempra ranks as one of the largest energy companies in the world and is ranked #246 on the Fortune 500 list as of 2024 and #366 on the Forbes Global 2000 list as of 2024. In 2024, Sempra was named one of the World's Most Admired Companies by Fortune Magazine, marking the 14th year the company is on this prestigious list. Sempra was also recognized by Newsweek as one of America's Most Responsible Companies, earning this distinction for the sixth consecutive year. Wikipedia
Generálny riaditeľ
Dátum založenia
Hlavné sídlo
16 773