Pàgina d'iniciS1TT34 • BVMF
State Street Corporation
Tancament anterior
578,00 R$
Interval anual
367,17 R$ - 585,00 R$
Capitalit. borsària
25,89 kM USD
Volum mitjà
A les notícies
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(USD) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos | 3400,00 M | 12,47 % |
Despesa d'explotació | 2388,00 M | -7,26 % |
Ingressos nets | 783,00 M | 272,86 % |
Marge de benefici net | 23,03 | 231,37 % |
Benefici per acció | 2,60 | 27,45 % |
Ebitda | — | — |
Taxa impositiva efectiva | 18,44 % | — |
Actiu total
Passiu total
(USD) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme | 134,73 kM | 28,95 % |
Actiu total | 353,24 kM | 18,83 % |
Passiu total | 327,91 kM | 19,91 % |
Capital total | 25,33 kM | — |
Accions en circulació | 288,47 M | — |
Ràtio cotització-valor | 7,42 | — |
Rendiment | 0,91 % | — |
Rendibilitat d'inversió | — | — |
Flux de caixa
Variació neta de l'efectiu
(USD) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos nets | 783,00 M | 272,86 % |
Efectiu d'operacions | -7430,00 M | -277,67 % |
Efectiu d'inversió | -11,04 kM | 20,15 % |
Efectiu de finançament | 17,55 kM | 81,23 % |
Variació neta de l'efectiu | -922,00 M | -2.526,32 % |
Flux de caixa lliure | — | — |
State Street Corporation is an American global financial services and bank holding company headquartered at One Congress Street in Boston with operations worldwide. It is the second-oldest continually operating United States bank; its predecessor, Union Bank, was founded in 1792. State Street is ranked 14th on the list of largest banks in the United States by assets. It is one of the largest asset management companies in the world with US$4.7 trillion under management and US$46.6 trillion under custody and administration in 2024. It is the second largest custodian bank in the world, providing securities services and it is considered a systemically important bank by the Financial Stability Board. Along with BlackRock and Vanguard, State Street is considered to be one of the Big Three index fund managers that dominate retail investing.
The company is ranked 316th on the Fortune 500 as of 2022. The company is on the list of the banks that are too big to fail published by the Financial Stability Board. It is rated by Visual Capitalist as the third U.S. bank by uninsured deposits, with 91.2% of deposits being uninsured. Wikipedia
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