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Charles Schwab Corporation
Închidere anterioară
53,73 R$
Intervalul de astăzi
53,73 R$ - 54,44 R$
Interval anual
41,17 R$ - 62,98 R$
Capitalizare bursieră
136,61 mld. USD
Volum mediu
La știri
Aspecte financiare
Declarația de venit
Venit net
(USD) | dec. 2024info | Modificare de la an la an |
Venit | 5,33 mld. | 16,97 % |
Cheltuieli de funcționare | 2,88 mld. | 9,52 % |
Venit net | 1,84 mld. | 76,08 % |
Marja netă a profitului | 34,53 | 50,52 % |
Venituri pe acțiune | 1,01 | 48,53 % |
Câștigul înainte de dobânzi, taxe, depreciere și amortizare | — | — |
Cotă efectivă de impozitare | 20,17 % | — |
Active în total
Datorii în total
(USD) | dec. 2024info | Modificare de la an la an |
Investiții în numerar și pe termen scurt | 83,54 mld. | 6,22 % |
Active în total | 479,84 mld. | -2,70 % |
Datorii în total | 431,47 mld. | -4,59 % |
Capital propriu total | 48,38 mld. | — |
Acțiuni restante | 1,81 mld. | — |
Preț pe valoare contabilă | 2,51 | — |
Rentabilitatea activelor | 1,56 % | — |
Rentabilitatea capitalului | — | — |
Flux de numerar
Variație netă în numerar
(USD) | dec. 2024info | Modificare de la an la an |
Venit net | 1,84 mld. | 76,08 % |
Numerar din operațiuni | -10,83 mld. | -154,04 % |
Numerar din investiții | 7,73 mld. | -20,12 % |
Numerar din finanțare | 1,60 mld. | 1.148,37 % |
Variație netă în numerar | -1,49 mld. | -105,04 % |
Flux liber de numerar | — | — |
The Charles Schwab Corporation is an American multinational financial services company. It offers banking, commercial banking, investing and related services including consulting, and wealth management advisory services to both retail and institutional clients. It has over 380 branches, primarily in financial centers in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is on the list of largest banks in the United States by assets. As of December 31, 2023, it had $8.5 trillion in client assets, 34.8 million active brokerage accounts, 5.2 million corporate retirement plan participants, and 1.8 million banking accounts. It also offers a donor advised fund for clients seeking to donate securities. It was founded in San Francisco, California, and is headquartered in Westlake, Texas.
Founded as Charles Schwab & Co. in 1971 by its namesake Charles R. Schwab, the company capitalized on the financial deregulation of the 1970s to pioneer discount sales of equity securities. After a flagship opening in Sacramento, California, the bank expanded into Seattle before the 1980s economic expansion financed the bank's investments in technology, automation, and digital record keeping. Wikipedia
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