TuisTRX / USD • Kriptogeldeenheid
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Meer oor TRON
Tron is a decentralized, proof-of-stake blockchain with smart contract functionality. The cryptocurrency native to the blockchain is known as Tronix. It was founded in March 2014 by Justin Sun and since 2017 has been overseen and supervised by the TRON Foundation, a non-profit organization in Singapore, established in the same year. It is open-source software.
Tron was originally an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token, which switched its protocol to its own blockchain in 2018. On some cryptocurrency wallets, users can't withdraw their funds until they have enough amount for the network fee. WikipediaMeer oor VSA-dollar
Die Amerikaanse dollar of VSA-dollar is die amptelike geldeenheid van die Verenigde State van Amerika en sy eilandgebiede, asook van Bonaire, die Britse Maagde-eilande, Ecuador, El Salvador, Liberië, die Marshalleilande, die Gefedereerde State van Mikronesië, Oos-Timor, Palau, Panama, Saba, Sint Eustatius, die Turks- en Caicos-eilande en Zimbabwe.
Die VSA neem die dollar in 1792 in gebruik. Die geldeenheid word sedert die Tweede Wêreldoorlog as anker-valuta in die internasionale handel beskou. Vir die rede word die pryse van goud en olie internasionaal in dollars uitgedruk. Wikipedia