SākumlapaUSDT–ZAR • kriptovalūta
Tether (USDT / ZAR)
29. janv., 18:16:06 UTC · Atruna
Valūtas kurssKriptovalūta
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Tether is a cryptocurrency stablecoin launched by Tether Limited Inc. in 2014. As of August 1, 2024, Tether reported having $118.4 billion in reserves, including $5.3 billion in excess reserves. In the second quarter of 2024, the company achieved profit of $1.3 billion, contributing to a total profit of $5.2 billion for the first half of the year. Tether Limited also disclosed a net equity of $11.9 billion, and the stablecoin's market capitalization exceeded $114 billion. Tether faces criticism regarding the transparency and verifiability of its claimed fiat reserves. Tether is the largest cryptocurrency in terms of trading volume, holding 70% of the market share among stablecoins. In 2019, it surpassed bitcoin to become the most traded cryptocurrency globally. As of July 2024, Tether has more than 350 million users worldwide. Tether Limited is owned by iFinex, a company based in the British Virgin Islands which also operates the Bitfinex cryptocurrency exchange. As of January 2024, Tether's official website lists fourteen protocols and blockchains on which Tether has been minted. Wikipedia
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