Faqja kryesoreWUNI34 • BVMF
Western Union
Mbyllja e fundit
67,00 BRL
Diapazoni ditor
63,30 BRL - 67,11 BRL
Diapazoni vjetor
58,98 BRL - 70,94 BRL
Kapitalizimi i tregut
3,93 mld USD
Volumi mesatar
Në lajme
Deklarimi mbi të ardhurat
Të ardhurat
Të ardhurat neto
(USD) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat | 1,06 mld | 0,56% |
Kostoja operative | 226,30 mln | -1,01% |
Të ardhurat neto | 385,70 mln | 203,70% |
Marzhi i fitimit neto | 36,45 | 201,99% |
Fitimet për aksion | 0,40 | 8,11% |
EBITDA | 213,60 mln | -0,37% |
Norma efektive tatimore | -161,14% | — |
Aktivet në total
Pasivet në total
(USD) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Investime afatshkurtra dhe në para fizike | 1,47 mld | 16,19% |
Aktivet në total | 8,37 mld | 2,09% |
Pasivet në total | 7,40 mld | -4,12% |
Kapitali aksioner në total | 968,90 mln | — |
Numri i aksioneve të aksionerëve | 337,93 mln | — |
Çmimi për të rezervuar | 23,34 | — |
Kthimi nga aktivet | 5,30% | — |
Kthimi nga kapitali | 11,59% | — |
Fluksi i parave
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë
(USD) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat neto | 385,70 mln | 203,70% |
Paratë nga veprimtaritë | 134,00 mln | -49,34% |
Paratë nga investimi | 117,80 mln | 283,20% |
Paratë nga financimi | 427,50 mln | 791,75% |
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë | 679,30 mln | 390,82% |
Fluksi i lirë i parave | 32,08 mln | -88,95% |
The Western Union Company is an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Denver, Colorado.
Founded in 1851 as the New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Company in Rochester, New York, the company changed its name to the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1856 after merging with several other telegraph companies. It dominated the American telegraphy industry from the 1860s to the 1980s, pioneering technology such as telex and developing a range of telegraph-related services, including wire money transfer, in addition to its core business of transmitting and delivering telegram messages.
After experiencing financial difficulties, it began to move its business away from communications in the 1980s and increasingly focused on its money-transfer services. It ceased its communications operations completely in 2006, at which time The New York Times described it as "the world's largest money-transfer business" and added that the company would remain as such due to the large number of immigrants wiring money home. Wikipedia
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